April 13, 2010:
* The National Geographic Channel visited the campus of The University of Western Ontario to continue filming of Meteor Physics research regarding the Grimsby Meteor. See more photos (all images by Elizabeth Silber).

March 19, 2010:
* The spring hunt began for fragments of the Grimsby meteorite. National Geographic TV was there to film. See more photos (all images by Elizabeth Silber).

March 1, 2010:
* Our revamped web site goes online. You are already there!
January 11, 2010:
* Dr. Phil McCausland gave two talks about the Grimsby Meteor Fall at the Grimsby Museum on Sunday, January 10, 2010.
See the writeup in the St. Catharines Standard. (slow download)
October 18, 2009:
* DVD version from sentinel videos of Grimsby fireball has been released.
[Download the DVD ISO image] [Download the DVD VOB file]
October 16, 2009:
* Broken windshield on SUV now confirmed to be a result of the Grimsby fireball. See reports from The Hamilton Spectator, and The University of Western Ontario.
October 7, 2009:
* Preliminary information on the September 25, 2009 Grimsby Fireball has been issued.
September 2009:
* We are pleased to present our new web pages, including our new Infrasound reearch pages. Note that other research activities will be updated on the web site during the coming weeks.
May 2009:
* Supplemental material for publication "An Estimate of the Terrestrial Influx of Large Meteoroids from Infrasonic Measurements" has been placed on the research pages under 'Infrasound Links'.
April 2009:
* Summary pages for the Newmarket fireball of March 16, 2009 as well as the October 15, 2008 fireball have been published. Please see the research pages for details.