2007/08 News
What was happening in the Meteor Group in 2007and 2008:
August 2007:
* Successful observations of the Perseids by radar and electro-optical cameras.
June 2007:
* June 11 - 14: Peter Brown, Margaret Campbell-Brown, Doug ReVelle, Bob Hawkes, Rob Weryk, Wayne Edwards and Nicole Keiser participated in the Meteoroids 2007 Conference in Barcelona.
* June 8: Alyssa Moldowan did a presentation at CASCA, entitled 'Comet Hunter: Searching for Dead Comets with the DAO'.
May 2007:
* This month, we welcome MSc candidates David L. Clark and Elizabeth Sukara, who will be working with Paul and Peter as their advisors, respectively .
April 2007:
* April 30 - May 4: Visit by Doug ReVelle.
* April 9 - May 11: Visit by Bob Hawkes.
* Dave Braid did a presentation at the group meeting, entitled 'Measurement of Sporadic Meteor Influx Using Video Data'.